Friday, August 1, 2008


It seemed like yesterday that there was talk of a missions trip to Ecuador being offered at our church. As soon as I heard about it I knew I was to go on this trip. After attending the informational meetings it was confirmed I was to go.

The cost of the trip is about $1500. I had no clue how I was to get the money. With it being 5 months or so before the trip I knew that God had already brought all the money in for me to go. The whole time before the trip I NEVER worried about getting all my money in.

About a month before the trip, I had about $400 in for my trip. Without a shadow of a doubt I knew God would provide. I receive a phone call one day and someone else that was going on the trip had more money come in then they needed to go and wanted to give me what they had left over. I wasn't shocked not even amazed. I knew that God wanted me to go on this trip. The money this person gave me covered the remaining balance and my trip was now paid in full. All I could do was laugh with joy that God was blessing me.

Why was I not amazed? Why was I not shocked? If God wanted me to go on this trip I knew he would provide the money. If the money didn't come in I knew that I wasn't to go.

Praise God that He has provided the money for me to go on the Ecuador trip. There's a specific reason why God wanted me to go. I pray that God will direct me in every way.

I leave in about 17 hours to fly out. I cannot wait for the adventure that is ahead of me.


Jodi said...

I'm praying for you and all of the team! May God accomplish everything He has planned for you to do!

Mark Ulseth said...

Cool testimony! Have a life changing trip!

Sheri said...

Can't wait to see you and hear how God worked through you, in you and with you on this trip. I love you!